The Mockingbird - Chickamauga - The Affair at Coulter's Notch - A Hors

The Mockingbird - Chickamauga - The Affair at Coulter's Notch - A Horseman in the Sky
Ambroce Bierce

14,00 TL
12,60 TL
The Mockingbird - Chickamauga - The Affair at Coulter's Notch - A Horseman in the Sky
The Mockingbird - Chickamauga - The Affair at Coulter's Notch - A Horseman in the Sky

It is not to be inferred that Grayrock's was the chagrin of a cruel nature balked of its bloody deed. In the clear large eyes, finely wrought lips, and broad forehead of that young man one could read quite another story, and in point of fact his character was a singularly felicitous compound of boldness and sensibility, courage and conscience.
