Research and Reviews in Engineering - 1 - September 2021
Research and Reviews in Engineering - 1 - September 2021

The Topics İn The Book As Follows;

Mitigation Of Harmonic Distortion İn A Three-Phase Full-Wave Controlled Rectifier

The Effect Of Oven Bag Usage On The Formation Of Heterocyclic Aromatic Amines İn Chicken Meat Cooked İn Oven

The Utilization Of Deep Learning Based İmage Processing Method İn The Diagnosis Of Alzheimer's Disease

Preemptive Goal Programming Approach For Assembly Line Worker Assignment And Rebalancing Problem

Comparison Of Different Finite Element Types İn Curved Plate Structures

Analysis Of Waste İn A Small-Scaled Manufacturing Facility And The Process İmprovement Studies

İmpact Of Virtual İnertia And Demand Response Controls On Stability Delay Margins İn Load Frequency Control System

Airfoil Geometry Based Harmonic Response Analysis Of Aircraft Wings

Hexacopter Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Dynamic Modelling And Composite Anti-Disturbance Control

Food Smart Packaging And Microbiological Perspective

Simulation - Applications İn Apparel İndustry
