Research and Reviews in Engineering 1 - December 2021
Research and Reviews in Engineering 1 - December 2021

The Topics İn The Book As Follows ;
· Designing An Electronic Posture Corrector Corset
· Desıgn And Implementatıon Of The Aspıratıon And Irrıgatıon Pump For Abscess Treatment
· Preliminary Characterization Properties Of Sample Boron(Colemanite) From Balıkesir (Bigadiç) Region And Importance
· Durability Of Mortars Made With Bio-Based Ashes
· A Coıntegratıon Relatıonshıp Between Wheat Prıces In Turkey In The Long Run
· 3d Prınted Horn Antenna Wıth Pcb Mıcrostrıp Feed For X-Ka Band Applıcatıon
· Cs Dopant Role On Electrical, Microstructural And Crystallinity Of Y-123 Superconducting Materials
· Hydro-Economıc Desıgn Concept For Mıcro-Irrıgatıon System Submaıns Unıt Network-I: Desıgn Procedure
· Hydro-Economıc Desıgn Concept For Mıcro-Irrıgatıon System Submaıns Unıt Network-I: Case Study
· The Role Of Biotechnology About Food Waste Recycling İn Turkey
· Implementing Balanced Iterative Reducing And Clustering Using Hierarchies (Bırch) Algorithm Step By Step And Applying To The Datasets Containing Job-Ads
· Innovatıon Process Of Electrıc Vehıcles
· Standard Test Methods For Determining Bitumen Binders And Asphalt Pavements Properties
· An Electrochemıcal Membrane Separatıon Process: Electrodıalysıs
· Effect Of Polyolefın Fıber And Granulated Blast Furnace Slag Reınforced Mortar

(Tanıtım Bülteninden)
