İngilizce Klasik Kitaplar Seti 2-5 Kitap Takım Kolektif

İngilizce Klasik Kitaplar Seti 2-5 Kitap Takım

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İngilizce Klasik Kitaplar Seti 2-5 Kitap Takım
İngilizce Klasik Kitaplar Seti 2-5 Kitap Takım

-The Call Of The Wild

"The facts of life took on a fiercer aspect; and while he faced that aspect uncowed, he faced it with all the latent cunning of his nature aroused.

Worldwide known author Jack London's most famous novel The Call of the Wild, has been translated into almost all languages. Being one of the most expressive novel of world literature, The Call of the Wild narrates the unrelenting battle of a wolf dog running on a sled.

Novel's main character Buck is a domesticated dog living in California but then it is kidnapped from his home and thrived in the wild of Alaska. Struggling to survive, Buck is gradually attracted by the wild and makes it's own choise.

Actually, in this novel Jack London tells the human's condition behind the story of a dog.

-The Time Machine

H.G. Wells, the pioneer of science fiction genre, even if he lived long ago, is still considered as a genius with his timeless works. The Time Machine, published on 1895, is the progenitor of ‘time travel' subgenre.

In the novel, a scientist is hurtled into the year of 802,701 where he meets the future race. By building a setting nearly a million years in the future, where utopia transforms into a dystopia, Wells pushes the limits of human imagination with his political and philosophical approach. The Time Machine is a classic that everyone should read who enjoys the science fiction and fantastic literature.


*Life and death are mysterious issues, little is known about the origins of them.*

Carmilla, Princess of Darkness is a vampire fiction by Irish author Sheridan Le Fanu in 1872 written long before Dracula. In the conditions at the time of writing the book was found strange because of the relationships between woman vampire and her victims, and then it become pioneer in increasing the vampire culture.

Died long years before, Countess Mircella Karnestein is an charming vampire who chooses her victims among young girls. Plotting over a young girl Laura who lives at a castle in Central Eupore with her father, Carmilla is a classic novel that attracts everybody who interested in gothic literature to itself with its mysterious and dark atmosphere.

-White Fang

"The battle began fairly, but it did not end fairly."

First serialized in Outing Magazine, worldwide known author Jack London's second novel White Fang first published in 1906. The story takes place in Russia, America and Canada and it is about White Fang's journey to domestication. On the other hand this novel is a thematic mirror to Jack London's most famous work, The Call of the Wild which is about a captured, domesticated dog embracing his wild ancestry to survive and thrive in the wild.

On the world, translated into many languages White Fang analyzes the wild nature of animals and people. At the same time it mentions to the terms morality and redemption.

-Heart of Darkness

*The horror! The horror!*

Heart of Darkness, a short novel written by Joseph Conrad on 1899, helps us to see the consequences of imperialism through the concept of race and discrimination. Successfully indicating how European colonial exploitation inflicted upon African natives, the work has its own characteristics to be a reference to the social sciences, as well as an inspiration the great people of literature.

Inspired by his days as a sailor, Condrad makes his character, Marlow take journey to the Congo River in Central Africa, and experience the brutal attitudes of European colonists in the name of their cruel quest for ivory; a journey akin to the one into the darkest and deepest recesses of human nature.

(Tanıtım Bülteninden)
