Research Reviews in Architecture, Planning and Design, May Volume 1 H.

Research Reviews in Architecture, Planning and Design, May Volume 1
H. Burçin Henden Şolt

191,80 TL
Research Reviews in Architecture, Planning and Design, May Volume 1
Research Reviews in Architecture, Planning and Design, May Volume 1

The Topics İn The Book As Follows ;
• Adaptıve Reuse Of Industrıal Buıldıngs Wıthın The Framework Of Sustaınabılıty And The Concept Of “Loft”
• An Overvıew Of The Crıterıa Affectıng The Desıgn Of Housıng Furnıture
• Ecologıcal Confıguratıon At Glampıngs In The Context Of Sustaınabılıty - Revıew And Proposal Of A Desıgn Model
• A Study On The Dıstınctıon Between Modularıty And Prefabrıcatıon Buıldıng Methods
