Manager and Leader Concepts and Management Trainee Programs in Organiz

Manager and Leader Concepts and Management Trainee Programs in Organizational Matrix
Gülay Tamer

130,20 TL
Manager and Leader Concepts and Management Trainee Programs in Organizational Matrix
Manager and Leader Concepts and Management Trainee Programs in Organizational Matrix

Dear readers, young academics and esteemed scientists;Management and Leadership are the issues that have existed almost throughout the human history. This book focuses on Strategic Business Management, Manager Concept, Management Trainee Programs in Organizations, Executive Development Practices, Role of Management Trainee Programs in Management Success, Leadership, Modern Leadership Theories, Leadership Approaches, Sustainability as the Latest Trend in Management Approach, Corporate Sustainability; and information on strategic decision-making, strategy, strategic planning and strategic management issues in organizations are given by explaining leadership models and how leadership is examined through the approaches that have been developed from past till present.

Many managers and scientists indicate the employees of a business as the most important factor that provides competitive edge for businesses. In other words, for ensuring organizational efficiency, most rational use of human resources owned by businesses is required. Therefore, companies have started to improve business excellence by empowering their employees and to implement sustainable development through improvement and by enhancing innovations. Providing great efforts of employees in organizations in benefit of the organization as well as adoption of organization's goals and values by them are ensured as a result of management trainee programs in the organization.

I hope this book will help the readers. And, new horizons will be opened up for them.With my love and regards,

Dr. Gülay Tamer
